
Liebster Award


Thank you for my first nomination for the Liebster Award from the fab blogger and writer A. J. Lundetræ. I hope I can do the questions justice!


  • Acknowledge the blog that nominated you and display the award.
  • Answer 11 question that the blog gives you.
  • Give 11 random facts about yourself.
  • Nominate 5-11 blogs you think are deserving of the award that have less than 200 followers
  • Let the blogs know you have nominated them.
  • Give them 11 questions to answer.

So, here goes!

A.J.’s questions:

  1. What was most awesome moment of your life as a writer till now?

Reaching the halfway point of my novel was a pretty great moment. I realised that, by putting my mind to it, the goal of actually completing the story was less daunting once I put the work in.

  1. Is there any particular destination you would love to travel to?

Egypt, but in the days before it fell to the Roman Empire. Failing that, Rome during the Roman Empire 🙂

  1. Which song makes you feel happy really fast?

That’s Me by ABBA, it’s light and fluffy but at the same time has quite empowering lyrics.

  1. What is the best advice you ever got?

Nothing that has ever stayed with me. I am good at giving advice though.

  1. What are the three most important items at your creative work space at home?

Notepad, laptop, thesaurus

  1. Do you prefer writing in a coffee shop or writing at home? Or somewhere else?

Definitely at home but as inspiration can strike anywhere I always make sure I have pen and paper handy to note down an idea that pops into my head, a snippet of conversation etc.

  1. What is your current read?

An Ember In The Ashes by Sabaa Tahir

  1. If you were a colour, which one would you be?


  1. If you could have one magical power, what would it be?

Flight. It would make getting around so effortless!

  1. Do you have a favourite word(s)?

Yes, but I’m afraid it’s a swear word so I won’t repeat it here 🙂

  1. Which one of your hobbies / spare time activities is the most unusual one?

Nothing unusual I’m afraid. I’m quite pedestrian that way however, I love acting so take part in my local amateur dramatics which is a lot of fun!

11 Random Facts About Me

  1. I’m a huge Muse fan and so far have seen them live eight times with the ninth coming up in April.
  2. I’ve been part of the audience feature on the Graham Norton Show. It was a lot of fun to be on TV for all of about ten seconds.
  3. I was once in a short film that went by the dubious title of “Got Arm Bitten Off By Tiger”. It was by students at a local college. The story was about a female artist whose last great piece of work was staging her own murder. I played the estate agent selling her house.
  4. I believe in ghosts. Having once lived in a haunted house I would be hard pushed to deny their existence.
  5. Pixar make the best movies in the world. I absolutely love them.
  6. I love animals but cats are my favourite. I can’t get enough of the little furballs.
  7. Just after Christmas 2014, I became vegetarian. It’s a lot easier than people think. The hard part is some people’s attitudes towards it.
  8. Having braces when I was about 8 years old has left me with a lifelong lithp 🙂
  9. I love sunrises. They’re an amazing natural anti-depressant with their glorious pinks and oranges.
  10. I’m an atheist. I believe organised religion has been the germ for a lot of the world’s problems.
  11. I was bullied at school and hope that by making a success of my life I can be an example to others that it doesn’t have to drag you down.


As this is a new experience for me I’m nominating those blogs I hope will enjoy this and get something out of it. I also apologise if you have been nominated before or don’t have the time to partake. I have tried to come up with some thought provoking questions and look forward to reading the answers 🙂

Lydia Thomas, Author

J. A. Allen

Art and Soul




  1. Who would play you in a movie of your life?
  2. What’s your guilty pleasure?
  3. Have you ever met one of your heroes only to be left truly disappointed?
  4. Try anything once or comfort in familiarity?
  5. If you could learn any language, which would it be?
  6. What’s your idea of writing heaven?
  7. Do you consider books to be works of art?
  8. If you weren’t a writer, what would you be doing instead?
  9. Home cooking or eating out?
  10. Place in a book you’d love to visit in reality.
  11. Cinema or Theatre?

Thanks everyone for reading this, have a fabulous weekend!

Grace x



8 thoughts on “Liebster Award”

  1. Thanks for taking part, Grace! 😀 Great answers! 😀

    I love that you’re an amateur actor! Sounds like a great help when writing books, especially when writing different characters, trying to see the world as they see it, giving them specific attitudes and habits.

    If possible I must say I would also love to visit Rome during the Roman Empire. It also made me smile that your favourite word is a swear word. 😀

    I wonder, how does one recover from living in a haunted house? Well, I guess there is a reason you don’t live there anymore… It sounds really scary. Has this experience perhaps influenced your writing?

    Thanks for letting us know you a little bit more! 😀

    Liked by 1 person

    1. No problem, it was fun to do. I found it to be good brain exercise!

      I think acting and writing are similar in that you have an opportunity to inhabit someone else for a while. Think and speak like them, imagine how they would react to situations and their environment.

      The haunted house was definitely interesting. A lot of the major activity had dissipated by the time I moved in so I mostly experienced weird noises, lights switching themselves off, a feeling of being watched or followed. The weirdest event was watching a milk bottle spin round by itself on the kitchen worktop.

      I’m not sure if I could write a scary story though. I admire horror and thriller writers for the ability to create something truly scary or suspenseful.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. When I write scary scenes in my books, I sit here at my desk so terrified that I’m jumping at every tiny noise I hear in the background. Being a horror writer is definitely not for me, either. 😀


  2. Thanks Claire, you’re more than welcome! I don’t have children so don’t know what my excuse is although my boyfriend constantly nurtures his inner child so perhaps I can use that 🙂


  3. Congratulations on your award!
    I love Pixar movies too. The great thing about having my son is I can now buy them all using him as an excuse! I think my favourite is still WallE, but then I haven’t seen Inside Out yet.
    Thank you for nominating me. I have done this one before, so I’m not sure I’ll do it again, but it’s always so lovely to be nominated and if I do it I’ll let you know 🙂

    Liked by 1 person